Saturday, June 27, 2009

First post

I'm not good at being literate, so this blog will be all over the place, with no connecting themes, underlying messages, or any real value. If you've mad it this far, congratulations! You're a winner.

Sitting in airports for 8 hours sucks. You can't sleep, because you know someone will steal your stuff, and when you try to out of sheer exhaustion fat americans kick you out of your seat so they can sit next to their hairy wife. Yup, good times.

I'm staying at a backpackers in Toronto right now. I'm in a dorm with 5 other smelly guys, who for some reason keep closing the window. Coupled with the fact that Toronto's garbage men are on strike, it's certainly an interesting atmosphere/stench. I got really drunk on the first night, which ended up getting me invited to a party on Sunday at someones flat. I should get drunk more. SUPER hung over the next morning though, more than I have ever been before.

Went to the baseball on Saturday. It was about 30 degrees, sitting in the sun, eating nachos with plastic cheese. Our team lost, but that's baseball.

I head off to camp on Monday morning, and I'm really looking forward to it. So far I've met Brazilians, Brits and Aussies who are coming to my camp too, and they're all good people.

There's probably more I'm supposed to write, but I'm tired. I also have to walk 3k's back to my room. Sigh. Check me out on twitter,

1 comment:

  1. You needed a comment. Your blog is funny and informative. Sorry about the smelly guys though
