Sunday, July 19, 2009

Regular beatings keep the doctor away

Children just don't listen! ARRRGG!

So, finished week 2, and it was a long week. I had a bunch of kids who liked to run away/not listen/fight. We counted 7 fist fights in 30 minutes on Friday. Luckily they left on Friday, and now I am at peace. I've spent the day sitting in the sun chilling out, which has been quite nice.

I figure it's important to do as much stuff as I possibly can while I'm over here, so I went with a big group to the drive in last night to see Harry Potter. It was good, but I need to see it again because I missed everything in the bottom right corner of the screen due to a big stupid van. This philosophy of doing stuff of mine also means that I've signed up for skydiving. Sigh.

Here's something really weird. Most people buy milk in Canada in bags. Bags of milk. It's so weird, I don't get it at all. You cut the corner off the bag and put it in a jug. Crazy. They do have a restaurant with 101 flavours of wings, so I guess I can accept small pieces of madness.

Here are a few links to photos of mine. The first one are just general photos of my travels in Canada:

The second are of pictures of my actual camp/campers:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week one down

Just finished my first week at camp. I'm feeling ok, but it was really hard. The kids are a real handful. Most of them were fine, but some of the ones with ADD or behavioral issues were really tough. It's around 30 degrees every day, and my feet are super tanned/burned because of wearing jandals all day.

We finally got a PC in the staff lounge, so there are about 30 people in the room watching Zoolander while I'm writing this post. It's appropriate, because my camp name is Zoolander.

My co-leader for week one was a guy called Kermit. We worked really well together, he was bad cop and I was good cop. We've been moved around now, so I'm with a guy called fozzy bear. I'll upload some photos soon, my room for the next 7 weeks is pretty small.

I better let someone else on the computer now, but I'll get some photos up in the next day or so.